What's Your Intensity Profile?
What's Your Intensity Profile?
20% of people are born with personality traits that mean we’re aware of, and have strong reactions to, things most people don’t even notice.
Psychologists have identified five types of these traits, known as intensities or overexcitabilities.
You might have one or all five, but most people have a combination of several. It’s not about checking off all the boxes, but rather how strongly you identify with any of the traits and behaviours.
Emotional Intensity
Sensitive, compassionate, empathetic
Drawn to social causes like homelessness and climate change
Feel things deeply and intensely
Can light up a room when they’re happy - or empty it when they’re down
Highly attuned to others – They can pick up on minute nuances in another’s language or behaviour that the other person may not even be aware of
Absorb and respond to the feelings of others
Often suffer from imposter syndrome
What they hear from others - You need to toughen up. Stop being so sensitive. Why are you so intense? Get over it. Calm Down. Lighten up. Stop acting like a drama queen. You’re too idealistic
What they need - Compassion. Validation for their intense feelings. Strategies to help them handle their intense emotions. Help setting boundaries. To learn to meet their own needs before others (the oxygen mask rule)
Mind and body - Have a strong mind-body connection, and when stressed can suffer physical symptoms like IBS, headaches or skin conditions
Intellectual Intensity
Independent thinkers with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and drive to understand
Excellent and tenacious problem-solvers, enjoy puzzles
Need to have things ‘just right’ – can be perfectionists
Deep and broad interests
Love research, capable of intense concentration for long periods
Often focused on moral concerns and issues of fairness or injustice
Curious, always asking questions, needing to get to the truth
What they hear from others - Don’t you ever take a break? Relax! Stop asking questions. Aren’t you ever satisfied? Why do you have to do everything the hard way? You’re so demanding! Why do you have to make everything into an argument? You’re obsessed with …. You’re so anal
What they need - Access to rich and varied intellectual challenges. The company of intellectual peers. Books, books (and more books). Time to immerse themselves in their projects. Colleagues who appreciate their high standards and don’t take their demands personally
Mind and body – prone to workaholism, can burn out if they don’t tune into and take care of their body’s needs. Tension headaches caused by perfectionism
Psychomotor Intensity
Enthusiastic, energetic, huge zest for life
Often fidget or jiggle their legs or feet even when mentally riveted
Verbally expressive – may speak rapidly and loudly with expansive gesticulations and hearty laughter
Can be inspiring, revitalising, uplifting company – and sometimes exhausting and overwhelming
Always appear busy, perhaps prolifically creative
Might seem driven, impulsive, or competitive
What they hear - Sit down. Be quiet. Keep still. Calm down. Why are you always so hyper? You must have ADHD. Why don’t you slow down? You’re always running from pillar to post
What they need - Outlets for their energy like sport or physical hobbies like crafting. To be allowed to move around in order to concentrate. Relaxation techniques to help them tune into their body’s need for rest. To be acknowledged for their energy and enthusiasm
Mind and body – can suffer insomnia because they have difficulty shutting down at the end of the day. Burnout if they don’t learn to tune into their body’s need for downtime
Imaginational Intensity
Creative day-dreamers with rich imaginations
Solve problems by putting ideas together in novel ways. Divergent thinkers
Love stories and metaphors
Often dramatic in their interactions. Tend to exaggerate
Rich inner lives – rarely bored
Often had imaginary friends as children
Vivid dreamers
What they hear - You’re so spaced out – come back down to earth. Why do you worry about everything. Where do you get all these wild ideas? You need to be more realistic. Get your head out of the clouds. You're such a dreamer
What they need - Outlets for creative pursuits, such as art (even doodling), music, writing (eg journaling), dance, devising inventions. Time to dream. Techniques that allow them to choose which imaginary ‘TV channels’ to engage with
Mind and body – can have trouble turning off their imaginations at night and suffer nightmares and anxiety
Sensual Intensity
Have heightened sensory awareness – see, hear, feel, smell and taste more intensely than other people
Can derive deep pleasure from sensory experiences, but feel intense irritation and frustration from sensory overload encounters
May be finicky eaters as children, maturing into adults with a love of fine dining
Can gain deep comfort from music, or the sound of waves, birds, or the wind in the trees
Heightened awareness of the sensation of touch - need to cut the tags out of clothes
Enhanced aesthetic appreciation – many love art or beauty in nature, but are greatly bothered by the flicker and buzz of fluorescent lights
What they hear - You’re so picky. Why can’t you focus? It’s not that noisy! You’re so neurotic!
What they need - People to know that their perceptions and experiences are real, not imagined. Positive ways to self-soothe, like stroking pets, massage, being in nature, healthy comfort foods. Self-care kits with items like ear plugs, headphones, aromatherapy oils, cooling water spray/handwarmers
Mind and body – because of their enhanced sensory experiences, can be prone to over-eating and addictive behaviours